art | education


Studio is a place for thinking and making sense of stuff: a place of study. Studio is playing with ideas, materials, words, and movement. My studio is times of wondering and wandering in playful lands of artistic explorations with people of all ages. Here's my travel log.


Posts tagged ecae
“It’s About Inspiring Fantasies:” A Review of George Szekely’s Play and creativity in art teaching

It seems redundant to write here a review of the review, so I'll just say that re-reading it never fails to bring me back to the joy of a sunny and playful family week at the beach, using a shell to draft the outline of a book in the sand. There's worst ways to work...

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Creative Commons License
This work by Marta Cabral is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at