Lecture with University of South Queensland Salon Series 2017: #Storynotgadget: materials, processes, and ownership in artmaking (August 2017).
Excerpt from EMERGE - Columbia University Teachers College Rita Gold Center Newsletter Volume Volume 5: No.2 Fall 2017.
Interview with the Brisbane Creative Glass Guild (September 2016).
Podcast interview with By Patrick O'Shea: The Versatilist with Marta Cabral, episode 32 (July 2016).
TV Interview & Piece with Hora dos Portugueses (March 2016).
Video by Columbia University Teachers College Meyers Media Studio: Art Makes Us Happy (March 2015).
Excerpt from EMERGE - Columbia University Teachers College Rita Gold Center Newsletter Volume 2: No.2 (Spring 2015).
Interview with Columbia University Teachers College Arts & Humanities Department (July 2014).
Excerpt from EMERGE - Columbia University Teachers College Rita Gold Center Newsletter Volume 1: No.2 (Spring 2014).
Guest blog post in Books and Adventures New York: Being in Wonder (July 2013).
Picture of me and my Rita Gold Center students during collaboration with the New York City's Museum of Modern Art in the Newsletter MoMA Family (August 2012).